Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can Poor Oral Health Contribute to Dementia?

Cosmetic Dentistry in Beverly Hills with Dr. Giri Palani
Protect Your Mind - Brush & Floss!

Dental researchers have determined a relationship between oral health habits and dementia. According to a University of California study, oral health habits may affect whether a person develops dementia later in life. Researchers measured oral health habits of residents of a Laguna Hills, CA retirement community between 1992 and 2010. They followed 5,468 adults with no previous diagnosis of dementia age and a median age of 81 and determined that participants who reported brushing their teeth less than once per day had up to a 65 percent greater risk of developing dementia than those who brushed three times daily.

Research has already shown a relationship between periodontal disease, heart disease, and diabetes. More and more we are learning that oral health is necessary for overall health and wellness. Dr. Giri Palani recommends a twice yearly professional cleaning and exam to ensure that you are maintaining your oral health. For our patients who have periodontal disease, we may recommend up to four visits per year to keep your dental disease in check.

For more information about your oral health, please visit our website at www.cosmetic-dentistry-beverly-hills.com or call us at (310) 547-1128.


  1. There are several possible connections between the lack of dental health and dementia. One such connection addresses the actual process of tooth loss, which is most commonly caused by periodontal or gum disease. Thanks for sharing this informative post.

    Dental Implants

  2. Yes it is lots of possibilities available there for cause of bad oral health and dementia.You are posting the actual problem for cause for dementia.Lots of people show excess gum tissue when they smile - usually above their top teeth.I'm still hoping there will be some more post on this site.
    Thank's & Regard's
     Cosmetic Dentistry Las Vegas
